Happy Paws Poodle
Happy Paws Poodle


                        What foods should you never feed your dog?

                        There are certain foods that you should not feed your dog
                        under any occasion. While individual cases will vary based on
                        breed, weight, and other factors - in
general this list of foods
                        applies to all dogs and should be carefully followed to avoid

                        Just because humans like it, doesn't mean dogs will

                        List of foods not to feed your dog.
                        Here's an alphabetized list of foods that are unsafe and unfit
                        for canine consumption, many of which are toxic for dogs. We'll
                        be updating it and adding foods as we learn more.

                        *  Alcohol -It can cause not only intoxication, lack of coordination,
                            potentially even coma and/or death.
                        *  Apple Seeds - they contain a natural chemical that releases
                            cyanide when digested. Be sure to core and seed apples.
                        *  Avocado - they contain Persin, which can cause diarrhea,
                            vomiting, and heart congestion.
                        *  Baby Food - by itself isn't terrible, just make
                            sure it doesn't contain any onion powder.
                        *   Bones - the danger with bones isn't the nutritional content,
                            nor is it necessarily the danger of 
chocking. They can
                            harm your dog's digestive tract when the bones
                            splinter inside the body.
                        *  Candy & Chewing Gum - not only does candy contain sugar, but
                            it often contains Xilotyl, which can lead to the over-release of
                            insulin, kidney failure, and worse.
                        *  Cat Food -this contains proteins and fat levels that are too high
                            for a dog 7 not healthy.
                        *  Chocolate - contains caffeine, 
theobromine and theophylline,
                            which can be toxic, cause panting, vomiting, and diarrhea, and damage
                            your dog's heart and nervous systems.
                        *  Citrus oil extracts - can cause vomiting. *Coffee- essentially this is the
                            same poison as chocolate.
                        *  Corn on the cob - this is a sure way to get your dog's intestine blocked.
                            The corn is digested, but the cob gets lodged in the small intestine, and 

                             if it's not removed surgically, can prove fatal to your dog.
                        *  Fat Trimmings - can cause pancreatitis.
                        *  Grapes & Raisins - they contain a toxin that can cause severe
                            liver damage and kidney failure.
                        *  Hops - an ingredient in beer that can be toxic to your dog, causing panting,

                            an increased heart rate, fever, seizures, and even death.
                        *  Human Vitamins - some are okay to use, make sure there's no iron as it can
                            damage the digestive system lining, and prove poisonous for the liver and kidneys.
                        *  Liver - it contains quite a bit of Vitamin A, which can adversely affect your 
muscles and bones.
                        *  Macadamia Nuts - these contain a toxin that can inhibit locomotory activities,
                            resulting in weakness, panting, swollen limbs, and tremors as well as possible damage
                            to your dog's digestive, nervous, and muscle systems.
                        *  Marijuana - it can affect the 
dog's nervous system and heart rate, and induce vomiting.
                        *  Milk and dairy products - usually 
cause smelly farts & some nasty cases of diarrhea,
                            most dogs are lactose intolerant.
                        *  Mushrooms - Just as the wrong mushroom can be fatal to humans, the same applies
                            to dogs. Don't mess with them.
                        *  Onions, Garlic, & Chives -of any kind are 
poisonous for dogs. They contain disulfides
                            & Sulfoxides, which can cause anemia & damage red blood cells.

                        *  Persimmon seeds, Peach & Plum pits can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis.
                        *  Potato, Rhubarb, & Tomato leaves, contain oxalates, which can adversely affect the
                           digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.
                        *  Raw Eggs - the most obvious problem here is salmonella, eggs also contain the Avidin
enzyme, which inhibits the absorption of vitamin B. Your dog uses vitamin B to keep
                            a healthy coat and skin.
                        *  Raw fish - Loss of appetite will become on, followed by seizures, and in rare instances, death.
                        *  Salt - can lead to an imbalance in electrolyte levels, dehydration & possibly diarrhea.
                        *  String - If your dog were to eat a string, it could get stuck in their digestive tract and

                               cause complications.
                        *  Sugar - this applies to any food containing sugar including corn
                            syrup as too much can lead to dental issues, obesity, and even diabetes.
                        *  Tobacco - Nicotine can damage your dogs digestive & nervous system, and
even cause death.
                        *  Yeast - can rise and
expnad in your dog's stomach which could cause their stomach or
                            intestines to rupture. Mild cases will cause gas, farting and a lot of 
                        *  Old food - The bacteria in spoiled food contains all sorts 
of toxins that can be
                            damaging to your dog's health.

                       There's a reason there is food & treats made especially for dogs.

                       Safe Human Foods for Dogs.
                       There are human foods that are permissible to feed to your dog;

                        however, even these foods should be kept to a minimum. Things
                       that you can feed to your dog without worrying about side
                       effects include:

                        Lean meat – lean meat includes meat without bones that 
has had
                        excessive fat removed. If feeding chicken and turkey, the skin
                        should also be removed as it can be a source of fat. Lean meat
                        includes the white meat from chicken or turkey and provides a
                        tasty treat for your dog as well as a good source of protein.

                        Fruits – Not including the fruits listed above, dogs can safely
                        enjoy bananas, apple slices, strawberries, 
blueberries and
                        watermelon. The seeds should be removed from these fruits or
                        in the case of watermelon it should be a seedless melon as most
                        fruit seeds contain arsenic which is poisonous. Fresh fruits are a
                        great treat to assist in training your dog and can also provide
                        your dog with a great way to cool down on a hot summer day!

                        Vegetables – Certain vegetables like carrots, green beans,
                        cucumber slices or zucchini slices all make great treats for
                        your dog. It’s a good idea to replace commercial dog treats with
                        baby carrots if you are looking to slim your dog down a little bit.
                        Vegetables make great 
low calorie snacks and good training tools
                        as well. But stay away from canned and pickled vegetables as
                        they contain too much salt.

                        Baked potatoes – A plain baked potato is okay to feed your dog
                        but honestly
it is not something that should be done frequently
                        and should never include any toppings. A few slices of cooked

                        baked potato can make a great treat for a patient dog at a
                        meal time though.

                        White rice and pasta – 
                        White rice and pasta are frequently referred to as a potential
                        meal for a dog with an upset stomach. Generally boiled white
                        chicken and white rice are used to help firm up stools as well
                        as nourish a dog that is having trouble getting any nutrition from
                        food as a result of illness. While there are certainly some
                        human foods that are safe to feed your dog there are many
                       which are unsafe and potentially poisonous when ingested by your
                       dog. As a general rule of thumb, it is far better to be safe than
                       sorry so avoid feeding your dog any human food unless
                       recommended by your vet. Dogs that are not given human food
                        or table scraps are generally better behaved than dogs who do
                        receive people food anyway, they do not beg because they know
                        they won’t receive any scraps and they also tend to drool less
bother visitors to your homeless because they understand
                        that human food is for humans and not for them.

                        Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption, as
                        well as other animals, may be toxic and even poisonous to your
                        dog, posing a serious threat to 
its health and well-being. Why?
                        Because all animals have very different rates of metabolism.
                        Metabolism is basically the process of breaking down food and
                        turning it into energy. Please note that while we're attempting
                        to add every food we can find that is potentially unsafe for dogs,
                       there are certain foods that we may miss, so don't consider a
                       food safe to feed to our dog just because it's not on this list.


                       Dogs should eat dog food. Table food or food intended for
                       human consumption can result in a multitude of problems for
                       your animal's health if eaten or drank.
                       Chocolate is a 
well-known potential toxin for pets. It is
                       metabolized in the animal's body that loosely mimics the way
                       cocaine is metabolized by a human. Bakers chocolate and dark chocolate

                       are more potent than milk chocolate in terms of
                       toxicity to animals. The toxicity associated with chocolate is
                       dose-dependent and varies with each individual animal's  sensitivity.
                       It would take much more chocolate to make a Labrador sick
                       than it would a Chihuahua. Raisins and grapes are both toxic to
                       dogs and cats as they can cause damage to their kidneys. Other
                       commonly encountered foods that are toxic to pets include coffee,
                       onions, macadamia nuts, and avocados.
                       Fatty foods or simply foods that your pet is not accustomed to
                       consuming can also cause problems such as vomiting, diarrhea,
                       and even 
full-blown pancreatitis. It is my opinion that no animal
                       bones (rib, chicken, etc.) should ever be given to pets. I have
                       seen too many animals become ill, need surgery to correct an
                       obstruction, and even die from being fed animal bones. Bones
                       can cause intestinal obstruction and/or splinter resulting in a
                       lacerated gastrointestinal tract.

                       Keep Your Pet Away From The Car Shop and Medicine Cabinet!
                       Chemicals, medications, and other toxic substances that are
                       common problems include antifreeze/coolant, gasoline, oil,
                       pesticides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen,
                       aspirin, etc.), acetaminophen, and rodent bait. Antifreeze is
                       extremely dangerous if ingested. Dogs and cats are attracted
                       to antifreeze due to its sweet smell and taste. Antifreeze can
                       quickly destroy your pet's kidneys leading to critical illness and
                       commonly death. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are
                       often helpful for many pets just like
 they are for many humans,
                       but can be harmful or fatal if used without the guidance of a

                       Even Plants Can Be Dangerous to Your Pet.
                       Lastly, I wanted to mention some common plants found in homes
                       and yards that can be hazardous to your pet. Lantana, oleander,
                       elephant ear, belladonna, lilies, and even
 aloe can all be toxic
                       and harmful if ingested. This is a very abbreviated list and it is
                       always best to educate yourself more thoroughly about the
                       plants around your home and their potential as being toxic.
                       Consult With Your Local Veterinarian
                       This is only a short list of potentially harmful things that are
                       commonly eaten, chewed, or drank by dogs and cats. It is
                       always best to consult with your veterinarian or poison control
                       authority if you have a question or emergency.

               How to Cure Your Dog's Upset Stomach?

                       Is your dog's stomach upset?

                       Normally dogs will eat grass to cleanse out their system - this is the natural method
                       for curing your dog's upset stomach. However, at times this won't do the trick, or
                       your dog won't even feel like eating grass. In this
case, it can help to give your dog a
                       little bit of Pepto-Bismol or Pepcid crushed and mixed with water (the amount will
                       depend on your dog's weight - consult your veterinarian). It is possible that the
                       manufacturers of these products may change their formulas over time and they may
                       not be as safe as they once were for pups so, as with any treatment, always consult a
                       vet before proceeding with treatment.

                       You could also take your dog's temperature. We recommend using a rectal
                       thermometer as it is the most accurate option. An ear thermometer is also an option
                       but not as precise. A dog's normal body temperature should be about 101.5 degrees
                       Fahrenheit. A temperature of 102 or higher is considered to be a fever. If the

                       temperature is higher than 102 degrees or lower than 99 degrees, you should go to

                       the vet or emergency vet hospital immediately to find out the cause.Note that the
                       Pepto-Bismol or Pepcid may make your dog's stool darken quite a bit - this is not a
                       reason for alarm.

                       Keep your pup hydrated!
                       Dogs are like people in the way that their symptoms have a lot to do with an underlying
                       problem. If your dog has an upset stomach, you would do well to wonder about the cause
                       of the upset stomach just as much as the treatment of your dog’s upset stomach.
                       One of the most important
 thing is to keep your pup hydrated at all times. This is especially
                       important if they are experiencing diarrhea. With diarrhea, they may very quickly
                       (within hours) become dehydrated, as they will lose water that they would retain under
                       normal conditions.

                       Natural ways to cure your dog's upset stomach. If you prefer not giving your dog human

                       medications like Pepto Bismol, and your dog won't eat grass to clear her or his upset

                       stomach, there are other natural home remedies that can do the trick. However, these may
                       not be the best cure for your dog, so make sure you check with your veterinarian before
                       proceeding. Some natural home remedies include: • Rice • Boiled chicken (boneless and no
                       salt added) • Banana baby food Do not use hamburger meat - this is a fairly common
                       recommendation on bulletin boards, but the fact is the meat is too greasy and will not
                       help your dog's upset stomach (nor is it healthy for your dog). No matter what you choose,
                       however, make sure your dog stays well hydrated. The point of the grass is to make your
                       dog vomit, to clear out whatever is upsetting his or her stomach. For more serious situations,
                       your best bet is to limit food intake, keep getting your dog water, and take them to the vet.

                       What did your dog eat that upset their stomach? If you can find out what your dog ate,
                       it may help the vet's diagnosis of your situation. One of the first things to look for is if
                       any of your 
houseplants have been eaten. Many houseplants are toxic to dogs.

                       Changing Your Dogs Food Can Upset its Stomach. When changing your dog’s food, always
                       take caution and time to ease them
 into the new food. If you change their food overnight
                       from one kind to another, it will often be hard for them to digest. Think about it, if you
                       were eating only chicken and rice for two years and then someone changed your diet for
                       your next meal to beef and potatoes, your body would have difficulty digesting as well and
                       likely lead to stomach cramping, bloating and maybe even diarrhea or vomiting. If your body
                       is out of practice with digesting a certain type of food and you introduce it into your diet
                       again, your body will need time to adjust to this change. That is exactly what is happening

                       to your dog in this case. So make sure you still have some of your dog's current food to allow
                       time for the transition. Over the course of about a week, slowly start mixing in more and

                       more of the new food into less and less of the current food until the transition is complete.
                       Read our article on changing dog food for more specific details. Go slow and keep an eye on
                       your dog while changing food to make sure he remains healthy. Consult your vet if you have
                       any questions during this process of changing dog food or run into any health concerns.

                       Hope Your Dog is Feeling Better Soon.
                       If none of these solutions work or you are very worried about your pet, please go see a
                       veterinarian to help guide you through this difficult time. If you have other treatments
                       that you have tried successfully to get your dog on its way to recovery, please share them
                       below with a comment. As dog owners ourselves, we know how difficult it can be to see your
                       pup suffer so we sure do hope your dog is feeling better soon.

                       Why do Dogs Get an Upset Stomach? Although dogs will eat most anything you put in
                       front of them, their stomachs don’t always agree to this free for all type of consumption.
                       One of the most likely causes for an upset stomach is a change in diet. You can’t assume
                       that they have eaten something unhealthy either. Sometimes they get an upset stomach
                       from something as simple as a change in brands or flavors of dog food. If this isn’t the
                       you might start searching for another reason, such as an illness.

                       Dangers of an Upset Stomach.
                       Aside from the fact that our dog is likely to be uncomfortable and even in pain, the

                       upset stomach may be a symptom of an underlying issue. Your dog may have something
                       as mild as the flu or as 
life-threatening as the Parvovirus. If your dog has a bacterial   
                       infection or a virus, they are likely to show other signs along with the upset stomach.
                       Should the condition persist, the most dangerous threat is likely to be dehydration.
                       This occurs when the body is unable to retain fluids. Water makes up around 75% of the
                       body weight of dogs, but even consuming large amounts of water may not be enough to
                       prevent dehydration in your dog.



                       Signs of Dehydration.
                       Dogs are like people in the way that their symptoms have a lot to do with an underlying

                       problem. If your dog has an upset stomach, you would do well to wonder about the cause

                       of the upset stomach just as much as the treatment of your dog's upset stomach. Dog's,
                       and especially young pups are very susceptible to 
occurrences of dehydration, much the
                       way humans are. If you notice that your dog has diarrhea or doesn't seem to have an
                       appetite or be
 interested in drinking his or her water, then your dog is taking the first
                       step towards dehydration.

                       You can check to see if your dog is already dehydrated by assessing the appearance of
                       his or her skin and gum.
If you lift the lip of your dogs, the gums should be coated with
                       a shiny wet film. If not, then he or she may be dehydrated. To check the skin to see if
                       your dog is dehydrated, squeeze the skin behind the neck as if you were going to pick your
                       dog up as his or her mother would. Release the skin. If the skin stays in the pinched position,

                       your dog is dehydrated. If it automatically goes back to lying flat on the neck, your dog is
                       not dehydrated. This is the same method used to check humans. If you’ve ever had someone

                       pinch the skin on your hand and then watch to see if it goes back to its original form, you
                       have experienced the same kind of dehydration test.



We try to keep our dogs on their canine diets but sometimes
we just can’t resist slipping them an occasional human morsel.
If you’d like to reward your pet with a table scrap, make sure
that you choose people foods that are safe for canine tummies.

Here are a few “dog-approved” people foods:

1. Peanut butter. A favorite treat of many canines. Not only
is it a good source of protein, but it also contains heart healthy fats, vitamin B, niacin, and vitamin E.

Stuff peanut butter into a Kong to keep your dog busy for hours. Choose raw, unsalted peanut butter.

2. Cooked chicken. Can be slipped into the bowl along with your dog’s regular food

to add a spice and extra protein to its diet.
This also makes a good meal replacement if you’re in a pinch and out of dog food.

3. Cheese. A great treat for a dog as long as she isn’t lactose intolerant,

which a small percentage are. Make sure to monitor
your dog’s reaction. Opt for low or reduced fat varieties and don’t overfeed, as many cheeses

can be high in fat. Cottage cheese is typically a good choice.

4. Baby carrots. Good for a dog’s teeth, carrots are low calorie and high in fiber and beta carotene/vitamin A.

5. Yogurt. High in calcium and protein. But make sure to only choose yogurts that do not contain artificial sweeteners or
added sugars. Yogurts with active bacteria can act as a probiotic and are good for your dog’s digestive system.

6. Salmon. A good source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are responsible for keeping your dog’s coat healthy and shiny, as
well as supporting your dog’s immune system. Feed your dog
cooked salmon, add salmon oil to her food bowl, or slip him
some of your unwanted fish skins.

7. Pumpkin. Good source of fiber as well as beta-carotene/
vitamin A. It can help keep the GI tract moving and can aid
with digestive issues.

8. Eggs. Scrambling up an egg for your pup is a great way to
give her diet a protein boost. Eggs are also a source of easily digestible riboflavin and selenium, making them a healthy snack.

9. Green Beans.Make a great treat for your dog since they are filling and low in calories. Select beans that have no added salt.

10. Apple Slices. Help to clean residue off a dog’s teeth, which helps to freshen her breath. Apples are a good source of fiber
as well as vitamin A and C. Make sure to take out the seeds and the core before feeding to your dog, as these can be choking hazards.

11. Oatmeal. A great source of soluble fiber, which can be especially beneficial to senior dogs with bowel irregularity issues.
It is also a great alternate grain for dogs allergic to wheat.
Make sure to cook oatmeal before serving it to your dog. Do not add any sugar or flavor additives.

These are just a few of the human foods that you can toss your dog’s way. Remember to try them in small amounts. If your dog experiences any sort of reaction, immediately consult a veterinarian. Before giving your dog any people food, do your research to make sure it’s safe. Never feed your dog toxic
human items such as: chocolate, onions, grapes, raisins, yeast dough, artificial sweeteners, macadamia nuts, avocados, alcohol,
or coffee. Consult your veterinarian with any questions
on what is safe and what is harmful.


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