Happy Paws Poodle
Happy Paws Poodle

                   Money will buy you a fine dog, but only
                   love can make it wag its tail.


                  I will send a care package a week before your new puppy arrives at your
                  home or you will take it with you when you pick up your puppy.


                 ---Happy Paws Information Book
                 ---Vaccination Record
                 ---6 weeks trial of insurance coverage
                 ---Bag of "now" small breed kibbles
                 ---Light Corn Syrup (for Hypoglycemia Concerns)
                 ---Small 3/8" Collar (adjusts to 6"-10")
                 ---One Toy
                 ---One Deer Antler Chew Bone
                 ---One Blanket


                  Puppy Pad's would be wonderful to have available as you would not
                  have to have your puppy use the area of the airport or the nearby

                  parking lot where many other dogs have gone and especially if you

                  have a long trip home. Just place the Puppy Pad on the ground in
                  front of you and place your puppy right on it and they should go
                  almost immediately.

                  I would wait until you get your new puppy home to feed him/her if
                  you live close by.
However, you will want to offer water and
                  "Light Corn Syrup" (that will be sent to you 
in your care package)
                  as soon as possible.
As soon as you hold your little baby in your arms,
                  give him/her 1/4 teaspoon full 
of "Light
corn Syrup". This assures

                  the puppy will not have low blood sugar.

                  If you would like me to keep your puppy longer than 10 to 12 weeks,
                  (depending on the age it's ready to go). I charge a $ 25.00 per day
to board your puppy. There is also
an additional $ 70.00 fee for

                  each, the 2nd and 3rd puppy vaccinations, if they are still here when

                  those come due.

                  Teacup Poodle puppies also require extra care, and most can't go to

                  new homes until they are at least 12 weeks old. And, in the case of
                  extremely tiny teacup poodles, sometimes they are not ready to go

                  until they are 4 months or more.

                  So be very wary of people selling "Teacup Poodle Puppies" out the

                  door at 6 to 8 weeks old!

                  To Reserve your puppy a $ 500.-CAN, NON-REFUNDABLE holding fee
                  is required.
Puppy must be paid for in full by the time they are
                  8 weeks old.

                Before you send a deposit please contact me
                        first by E-mail or Phone

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